Welcome back to The Blog! Today we spotlight Class of 2023 SRD Senior, Maya Rutledge!

Maya's laidback attitude created the coolest contrast to her bright, colorful locations. We started the day in Waterloo and ended in Cedar Falls, capturing a variety of amazing looks along the way. The day began at Dark Rose Salon in Waterloo for Maya to get pampered with a professional makeup application by Alaina before her session. After makeup was done, we paid a visit to one of my favorite urban locations near downtown Waterloo. Maya's vibrant orange top and awesome bandana pants fit in so well amongst all the graffiti and concrete. Next, it was off to the record store to showcase Maya's love of music. We had a blast browsing the selection and enjoying a break from the summer heat. Thank you SO much to Vinyl Cup Records in Cedar Falls for allowing us to hang out in their awesome shop! Next, Maya changed outfits and move behind the building downtown for a chic-but-overgrown industrial vibe. Finally, we ended the day by cooling off in a stream and playing with the beautiful yellow flowers growing by the water. Maya absolutely KILLED it at every location, but she was feeling at this one!

Check out Maya's complete Summer Senior Experience gallery below!

Makeup: Luna Artistry at Dark Rose Salon

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