Welcome back to The Blog! Today we spotlight Class of 2023 SRD Senior, Arohi Banerjee!

Arohi had so many fun ideas and beautiful looks for her Senior session! We utilized locations in both Waterloo and Cedar Falls to bring her vision to life. We started the day at Soul Book Nook in downtown Waterloo. The gorgeous natural light and warm, cozy vibes of the shop were absolutely perfect with Arohi's floral top and light pants. I could not be happier with the beautiful images we captured there! A tremendous thank you is in order for the owner of Soul Book Nook, who opened up her shop on a Sunday just for us. It was such a special treat! Next, we visited one of my favorite parks in Cedar Falls for a variety of natural locations, which included water, flowers, a prairie, lush trees, and vibrant green grass. Then, it was off to a field of flowers I had recently scouted that I just couldn't wait to use for a session! Arohi's black dress and Chucks couldn't have paired better with the tall grass and bright yellow flowers in the field. Finally, it was back to my favorite stream to cool off and enjoy the sunset. The golden hour light was the perfect soft, dreamy end to the day.

Check out Arohi's complete Summer Senior Experience gallery below!

Ready to schedule your SRD Senior Experience? Click here to get started!